Agenda Item
Docket No. 13-1316
Advisory opinion request regarding whether the wife of Jason St. Pierre, Principal of Walker High School, may continue to drive extracurricular bus routes for Walker High School.
Jason St. Pierre is employed as the Principal of Walker High School and he recently married Lisa Stewart St. Pierre on May 25, 2013. Mrs. St. Pierre has been employed with the Livingston Parish School Board for thirteen years as a bus driver. She has driven Walker Freshman High School students from Walker Freshman High to Walker High for the past six years as part of her employment with Livingston Parish School Board. She has also driven extracurricular routes for Walker High School for the past two years which are not part of her regular driving duties with the Livingston Parish School Board. You provided further information that Mrs. St. Pierre receives payment for these extracurricular routes directly from the Livingston Parish School Board, but that the money for her services actually comes from Walker High School.
Section 1113A(1)(a) of the Code prohibits public servants, their immediate family members, or legal entities in which they have a controlling interest, from entering into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2013-1316 Draft Advisory Opinion
2013-1316- Advisory Opinion Request