Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-213
Advisory opinion request from Scott Walker, mayor of the Village of Reeves, regarding the potential employment Allen Hulbert as a part time police officer for the village.
Allen Hulbert is a full time level two water operator for the West Allen Parish Water District. His duties include reading water meters, fixing water lines, maintaining equipment and general maintenance. He is not related an members of the Allen Parish Police Jury, any member of the Village of Reeves governing authority or the Reeves Chief of Police.

The West Allen Parish Water District is a political subdivision of the Allen Parish Police Jury. Five members of the seven member water board are appointed by the Allen Parish Police Jury. The remaining two members are appointed by the Village of Reeves.

The Reeves Chief of Police in charge of the hiring of part time officers.

Section 1119A states that no member of the immediate family of an agency head shall be employed by his agency.
Section 1119B states that no member of the immediate family member of a governing authority or the chief executive of a governmental entity shall be employed by the governmental entity.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2014-213: Advisory Opinion Request
2014-213- Microsoft Outlook - Memo Style (2)
2014-213 Draft Opinion