Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-190
Advisory Opinion Request from Leslie Ellison regarding the acceptance of travel, lodging and meals for a seminar in Israel.
Leslie Ellison is a full-time employee of Gideon Christian Fellowship International. It is through this organization that she has been asked to take part in the Educational Seminar in Israel for Southwest Christian Leaders (Seminar). The Seminar is for leaders who seek to gain an in depth understanding of modern Israel and the U.S.- Israel relationship. She states that AIEF is a non-profit 501c(3) charitable organization. She serves on the Orleans Parish School Board.

AIEF will cover the major expenses including the transportation, lodging and meals during the program. She states that AIEF has no business connections with the Orleans Parish School Board.

Section 1115A- No public servant shall solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any thing of economic value as a gift or gratuity from any person if such public servant knows or reasonably should know that such person: 1) Has or is seeking to obtain a contractual or other business or financial relationship with the public servants agency. 2) Is seeking, for compensation, to influence the passage or defeat of legislation by the public servant's agency

Section 1111A prohibits a public servant from receiving anything other than the remunerations and benefits he is entitled to receive from his governmental entity.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2014-190: Advisory Opinion Request
2014-190- Microsoft Outlook - Memo Style (2)