Agenda Item
Docket No. 09-849
Request for Rehearing in connection with a $600 Order against Mark Sigur, a candidate for State Representative, 76th District in the October 20, 2007 election, who has failed to pay assessed late fees for the late filing of his 10-G campaign finance report.
The Board issued an Order at its November 20, 2009 meeting making the late fee totaling $600 assessed against Mr. Sigur final and absolute. Rule 1018 states that any person aggrieved may apply to the Board for a rehearing in writing within 10 days from the date of the Board's decision becomes final. A copy of the Order was sent to Mr. Sigur's residence on December 7, 2009.

Mr. Sigur contacted the Board requesting a rehearing since he was unable to make the November 20, 2009 hearing because he was sick with the flu. On February 24, 2010 an Application for a Rehearing was sent to Mr. Sigur that the Board will consider his Application for a Rehearing at its April 19, 2010 hearing. Mr. Sigur did not submit an Application for a Rehearing and he did not make an appearance at the April 19, 2010 hearing.

Since the late fee was never paid, the Board filed suit in the 19th Judicial District Court on August 9, 2010. Mr. Sigur contacted the Board after receiving notice of the suit, requesting a rehearing. The request is untimely. This matter is now before the 19th Judicial District Court.

Deny the request for rehearing.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2009-849: Mark Sigur-Order
2009-849: Mark Sigur-12/21/2009 request for a rehearing
2009-849: Mark Sigur-2/9/10 request for a rehearing
2009-849: Mark Sigur-2/24/10 correspondence
2009-849: Mark Sigur-8/18/10 correspondence
2009-849: Mark Sigur-8/26/10 request for rehearing
2009-849: Mark S. Sigur-rehearing reminder ltr