Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-775
Advisory opinion request regarding W. Henson Moore, Chairman of the Battle of New Orleans Bicentennial Commission, receiving compensation from a motion picture enterprise based upon the Battle of New Orleans.
W. Henson Moore was appointed Chairman of the Battle of New Orleans Bicentennial Commission (Commission). This Commission was established by Act 745 of the 2010 Regular Session. This Act states that the purpose of the Commission is to lead the state in its commemoration and celebration of the bicentennial of the Battle of New Orleans through local and statewide observances, educational events, and activities planned, encouraged, coordinated, and conducted by the Commission. One of the duties of the commission involves executing projects and events celebrating the Bicentennial of the Battle of New Orleans. He oversees the raising of private funds to help accomplish these events and projects.

Some friends of Mr. Moore were interested in creating a motion picture on the story of the Battle of New Orleans and as such, created Ken and Fred Atchity Entertainment. Mr. Moore introduced some people to this company as a way of promoting the Bicentennial. He did not receive compensation for this work. Ken and Fred Atchity Entertainment has now asked him to be a compensated adviser or partner in the enterprise.

Section 1111A(1) prohibits public servants from receiving anything of economic value, other than compensation and benefits from the governmental entity to which he is duly entitled, for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of his office or position.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2014-775: Advisory Opinion Request
2014-775- Emailed responses
2014-775- Follow up email
2014-775- Introduction explanation
2014-775 Proposed draft