Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-859
Advisory opinion request regarding Chad Chauvin, a former employee of the Louisiana Coastal Restoration and Protection Authority (CRPA), and how the post employment restrictions affect him.
Chad Chauvin's last day of employment as a project manager under the Project Controls Section in the Project Management Division of CPRA was September 13, 2013. He is currently the vice president of program management for PPMG Public Services, LLC (PPMG). PPMG does not have any contracts with CPRA.

His duties at CPRA included determining work assignments, reviewing work of contractors, performing on-site evaluations of work performed, recommending approval/disapproval of invoices, and assisting in performing final evaluations on contractor's performance. His managerial duties comprised of making independent assessments and providing direction, coordination, and implementation of all the activities for the projects within the constraints of applicable federal and stat rules and regulations. He directed contracted staff, both internal and external, for an important segment, project implementation, of the CPRA's overall coastal restoration and hurricane flood protection program.

He issued tasks, selecting contract staff, approving/monitoring budgets and schedules, directing priorities within scope of work, providing guidance and directing decision on project outcomes, certifying work and budget adjustments to complete the task. Finally, he developed detailed implementation plans and budgets for assigned coastal restoration and flood protection projects or feasibility studies.


Section 1121A(1) states that no former agency head shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service as the head of such agency, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction, involving that agency or render any service on a contractual basis to or for such agency.

Section 1102(3) defines an agency head as the chief executive or administrative officer of an agency.

Section 1121B(1) states No former employee shall, for two years following the termination of his public employment, assist another person for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction in which such former public employee participated at any time during his public employment and involving the governmental entity by which he was formerly employed.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2014-859: Advisory Opinion Request
2014-859- Job Description Engineer 6
2014-859- Email information
2014-859- PMI Guide
2014-859- Potential work programs for CPRA
2014-859- Project Controls
2014-859 Proposed draft opinion