Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-864
Advisory opinion request regarding Mark S. Debord, the Regional Administrator for the Northeast Delta Human Services Authority Region VIII, Office of Behavioral Health, Department of Health and Hospitals, and how the post employment restrictions affect him.
Advisory opinion request from Mark Debord regarding whether the post employment restriction in Section 1121 of the Code of Governmental Ethics (Code) would prohibit him, as a former employee of the Department of Health and Hospitals(DHH), from providing services as a Certified Trainer for evidence-based practice of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System.

Mr. Debord retired from employment with DHH, Office of Behavioral Health, as the Regional Administrator for the Northeast Delta Human Services Authority Region VIII on January 3, 2014. Mr. Debord stated that he was the appointing authority and performed administrative duties such as budget, hiring, program development and contract negotiation for Region VIII. Mr. Debord is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is now in private practice. He stated that he has become a Certified Trainer for the Partners for Change Outcome Management System and is interested in providing this clinical training within the Northeast Delta Human Services Authority.

Mr. Debord asked; 1) Is he prohibited from contracting with all regions of North Delta Human Services Authority to provide services as a Certified Trainer for the Partners for Change Outcome Management System? and 2) Is he prohibited from being employed part-time by all regions of Northeast Delta Human Services Authority to provide services as a Certified Trainer?

La. R.S. 42:1121A(1) prohibits a former agency head, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service as the head of such agency or as an elected public official serving in such agency, from assisting another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction, involving his former agency or rendering any service on a contractual basis to or for such agency.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Suzanne Mooney
2014-864: Advisory Opinion Request
2014-864 draft opinion (3)