Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-294
Request for Rehearing in connection with a $4,000 Order against Tiffany Foxworth, a candidate for Councilman, East Baton Rouge Parish in the April 22, 2008 election, who has failed to pay an assessed late fee and fine for failure to file her Supplemental campaign finance report.
The Board issued an Order at its July 16, 2010 meeting making the late fee and fine totaling $4,000 assessed against Ms. Foxworth final and absolute. Rule 1018 states that any person aggrieved may apply to the Board for a rehearing in writing within 10 days from the date of the Board's decision becomes final. A copy of the Order was sent to Ms. Foxworth's residence on August 13, 2010. Ms. Foxworth was required to file her report and pay the late fee on or before September 13, 2010.

Ms. Foxworth contacted the Board on September 7, 2010, informing the staff that she is on active military duty and will file her report as well as provide military documentation. As of this date, Ms. Foxworth has filed an amended report to forgive personal loans to her campaign. If she had timely filed the report forgiving her loans, then the 2009 Supplemental report due on 2/17/10 would not have been required. The staff has requested documentation regarding her active duty status, however, she has not provided the documentation.

Deny the request for rehearing.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2010-294: Tiffany Foxworth-charge order letter
2010-294: Tiffany Foxworth-email of 9/7/10
2010-294: Tiffany Foxworth-rehearing reminder ltr