Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-840
Advisory opinion regarding Rene T. Williams, the Chief Deputy Clerk of Court East Carroll Parish, participating in her husband, Wydette Williams' campaign.
Beatrice Carter, the Clerk of Court for East Carroll Parish, is requesting an advisory opinion as to any restrictions that are placed on the activities of her Deputy Clerk of Court since the husband of her Deputy Clerk is running for office. Wydette Williams is the husband of Rene Williams, the Deputy Clerk. Mr. Williams is running for office next year. The Clerk of Court states that Mrs. Williams will not be participating in the tabulations of any votes or have any connection with the voting machines. She is requesting an opinion as to the restrictions on campaigning that are applicable to Mrs. Williams.

Section 1112 prohibits a public servant from participating in transactions in which an immediate family member has a substantial economic interest.

Section 1116B of the Code prohibits a public servant from using the authority of his office or position to compel or coerce an individual to engage in political activity.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2010-840: Revised Draft Opinion
2010-840: Request