Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-903
Advisory opinion request as to the propriety of Tiffanie Lewis, who is an employee of the Department of Education, resigning from the Department of Education and accepting a position with Harvest Preparatory Academy.
Tiffanie Lewis is employed with the Department of Education as an Educational Program Consultant 2. In her position, Ms. Lewis works with school counselors by assisting the counselors with professional development opportunities. Ms. Lewis also works with the 9th grade initiative grant school program. The 9th grade initiative grant program provides grants for high schools to increase graduation rates by setting up 9th grade academies.

The Outreach Community Development Corporation (OCDC) has begun the process of obtaining a Type Two, BESE approved charter school, Harvest Preparatory Academy. Ms. Lewis has assisted OCDC with the application process and would like to serve as the Executive Director of the Harvest Preparatory Academy. The Academy will begin with grades 5-7 and will increase one grade level every year until the 12th grade. The opening date is July 2011.

Section 1121B prohibits a former public servant for the two year period following the termination of his public service from assisting another person for compensation in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction, in which the former public servant participated at any time during his public service and involving his former agency.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinon.

Assigned Attorney: Aneatra Boykin
2010-903 advisory opinion
2010-903: Request for Advisory Opinion