Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-893
Advisory opinion request concerning the Chancellors and System President of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System receiving complimentary admission to the American Association of Community Colleges 2011 annual conference.
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is a non-profit organization which supports community colleges across the nation. The AACC's 2011 annual conference will be held in New Orleans and AACC has offered to exempt the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Chancellors and System President from the registration fees.

The colleges within the LCTCS, as well as the System Office are members of the AACC. The colleges and the System Office pay annual membership dues and fees. The colleges and System Office pay registration fees for its employees to attend the AACC conferences. Occasionally, colleges will purchase certain publications from the AACC.

Section 1111A prohibits a public servant from receiving any thing of economic value for the performance of the public servant's job duties, other than the remuneration and benefits he is entitled to receive from his governmental entity.

Section 1123 (41)(a) provides that a public servant can accept complimentary admission to, lodging reasonably related to, and reasonable transportation to and from an educational or professional development seminar or conference held in any state of the United States or Canada, provided that (i) the public servant is requested or invited to attend by the sponsoring civic, nonprofit, educational, or political group or organization, (ii) the sponsor is not a person from whom the public servant is prohibited from receiving or accepting a gift pursuant to R.S. 42:1115(A)(2), (iii) the seminar or conference is related to the public service of the public servant and is designed to enhance the knowledge or skill of the public servant as it relates to the performance of his public service, and (iv) the public servant's agency head approves the acceptance. (b) Any public servant who accepts complimentary admission, lodging, or transportation to and from an educational or professional development seminar or conference shall file an affidavit with the Board of Ethics within sixty days after such acceptance, disclosing (i) the name of the person or organization who gave, provided, or paid in whole or in part for the admission, lodging, or transportation, (ii) the person or organization that hosted the seminar or conference, and (iii) the amount expended on his behalf by the person or organization on admission, lodging, and transportation. (c) The provisions of this Paragraph shall not require an affidavit to be filed in connection with the acceptance by a public servant of admission, lodging, or transportation relative to a seminar or conference held or hosted by the agency or governmental entity of the public servant.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Mike Dupree
2010-893: Drafted Opinion
2010-893: Request for Advisory Opinion