Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-842
Advisory opinion request regarding whether Lorrie Toups, the Accounting Director for Jefferson Parish, is required to file an affidavit pursuant to Section 1123(41) of the Code in connection with reimbursement of expenses paid for her attendance at the National Conference of the Louisiana Government Finance Officers Association.
Lorrie Toups is the Accounting Director for Jefferson Parish and also served as the 2009/2010 President of the Louisiana Government Finance Officers Association. In connection with her participation in the Association she has been reimbursed amounts for her attendance at the National Conference held in Atlanta, GA. She states that the President of the Association is required to be employed by a Louisiana Government Employer. She is requesting an opinion as to whether or not she is required to file an affidavit disclosing the amount received as reimbursement pursuant to Section 1123(41).

La. R. S. 42:1123(41)(a) allows the acceptance by a public servant of complimentary admission to, lodging reasonably related to, and reasonable transportation to and from an educational or professional development seminar or conference held in any state of the United States or Canada, provided that (i) the public servant is requested or invited to attend by the sponsoring civic, nonprofit, educational, or political group or organization, (ii) the sponsor is not a person from whom the public servant is prohibited from receiving or accepting a gift pursuant to R.S. 42:1115(A)(2) (seeking for compensation to influence the passage or defeat of legislation by the public servant's agency), (iii) the seminar or conference is related to the public service of the public servant and is designed to enhance the knowledge or skill of the public servant as it relates to the performance of his public service, and (iv) the public servant's agency head approves the acceptance.

In addition, any public servant who accepts complimentary admission, lodging, or transportation to and from an educational or professional development seminar or conference must file an affidavit with the Board of Ethics within sixty days after such acceptance, disclosing (i) the name of the person organization who gave, provided, or paid in whole or in part for the admission, lodging, or transportation, (ii) the person or organization that hosted the seminar or conference, and (iii) the amount expended on his behalf by the person or organization on admission, lodging, and transportation.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2010-842: Draft Opinion (2)