Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-932
Advisory opinion request concerning the interpretation of R.S. 18:1485(C) of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act regarding the electronic filing requirements.
G. Thomas Arbour filed, on paper, a campaign finance disclosure report in connection with the October 2, 2010 election on September 2, 2010. On September 14, 2010, the staff sent him a letter informing him that the information contained in his report indicated that he was required to electronically file his campaign finance disclosure reports.

Mr. Arbour contends that a candidate is not required to electronically file reports until the he receives $25,000 in contributions or $25,000 in loans and that the amount of loans and contributions should not be aggregated.

R.S. 18:1485(C) provides that each candidate for a major or district office that receives contributions or loans in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars in the aggregate during the aggregating period or that makes expenditures in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars in the aggregate during the aggregating period shall electronically file reports of contributions and expenditures with the supervisory committee.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2010-932: Draft Opinion
2010-932: Request for Advisory Opinion
2010-932: Arbour Letter