Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-853
Advisory opinion regarding regarding whether Chance Parent, Network Administrator for the Walker Police Department, may become a commissioned officer.
Chance Parent has a contract with the Town of Walker to serve as the Network Administrator for the police department. As part of his duties, he maintains all the IT infrastructure of the police department. His duties, however, are limited because he does not have a law enforcement commission. There have been several occasions involving non-departmental computer systems that had to be sent to state agencies for forensic services that could have been completed within the scope of his present contract. The services can be completed locally to ensure the integrity of the chain of evidence, and to limit the time and money needed to perform such services.

The Administration of the Police Department and Mr.Parent feel that his services could be more fully utilized if he became a commissioned officer. The commission would be a part of Mr. Parent's contract for IT services and the forensics work will be completed under his existing contract. Such commission would allow him to access all evidence, assist the department in obtaining evidence, and allow the department to secure evidence on extremely short notice. Obtaining and securing evidence in a short time frame will assist in the solidification of the investigation process, as well as allow for a quicker decision making process.

Section 1113A(1)(a) of the Code prohibits public servants, their immediate family members, or legal entities in which they have a controlling interest, from entering into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Deidra Godfrey
2010-853 rev draft
2010-853: opinion request