Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-914
Advisory opinion request regarding the propriety of REAL Carpet Cleaning of Natchitoches, LLC, owned in part by Virginia Brossett, transacting business with Northwestern State University while Viginia Brossett is employed with Northwestern State University.
Virginia Brossett is the Associate Bursar in the Office of Student Accounting at Northwestern State University. Virginia Brossett and Dwayne Brossett, Ms. Brossett's husband, own REAL Carpet Cleaning of Natchitoches, LLC. REAL Carpet Cleaning of Natchitoches would like to provide services to Northwestern State University. The purchase of these services is not under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Office of Student Accounting.

Section 1113A of the Code prohibits a public servant, a member of his immediate family, or a legal entity in which either owns a controlling interest from bidding on or entering into a contract, subcontract or transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the public servant's agency.

Section 1112B of the Code prohibits a public servant from participating in a transaction involving his governmental entity in which either a member of the public servant's immediate family or a person in which he is an officer has substantial economic interest.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Tracy Barker
2010-914: Request for Advisory Opinion
2010-914 Draft opinion