Agenda Item
Docket No. 10-931
Request for an advisory opinion regarding the propriety of Providence Engineering & Environmental Group to procure management of federal grant funds awarded to the State of Louisiana when it has contracts with local governments to manage federal grant funds.
The State of Louisiana Office of Community Development has issued an RFP to procure management of federal grant funds awarded to the State pursuant to the State's Community Development Blcok Grant Program (CDBG). Successful bidders will be contracted by the State to assist local governments in applying for CDBG awards for disaster recovery projects and to oversee those projects if such awards are granted. Providence Engineering & Environmental Group intends to respond to the RFP and if selected to subcontract a portion of its services to Providence Technical Services, LLC (PTS) and GSE Associates, LLC (GSE). Providence, PTS, and GSE currently apply for and manage CDBG funds and oversee resulting disaster recovery projects for some local governments.

Section 1112 prohibits a public servant from participating in transactions involving his agency in which his immediate family member has a substantial economic interest.

Section 1113 prohibits a public servant and a member of the immediate family from entering into transactions under the supervision of the public servant's agency.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2010-931: Draft Opinion
2010-931: Request for Advisory Opinion