Agenda Item
Docket No. 15-292
Request that the Board waive the $1,680 in campaign finance late fees assessed against Robert Amacker, a candidate for Mayor, Town of Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish in the November 4, 2014 Election, whose EDE-G campaign finance disclosure report was filed 76 days late, 10-G campaign finance disclosure report was 2 days late, and 40-G campaign finance disclosure report was 15 days late.
In connection with his request that the Board waive the late fee assessed for the late filing of the reports, Robert Amacker states that his campaign finance chairman's husband was diagnosed with cancer last fall. The chairman and her husband were in Houston for three months during the campaign, which was during the time of the reporting deadlines for the reports in question. Mr. Amacker further provides that all required and due reports have been filed and he would appreciate any consideration pursuant to his waiver request.
ELECTION: November 4, 2014
TYPE OF REPORT: EDE-G, 10-G, and 40-G
DAYS LATE: 76, 2, and 15
ASSESSED FEE: $1,000, $80, and $600
REPORT DUE: December 16, 2014, November 26, 2014, and January 15, 2015
REPORT FILED: March 2, 2015, November 28, 2014, and January 30, 2015
ACTIVITY REPORTED: EDE-G: $0 in Advertising (Schedule A), $10,362.50 in Services of Workers (Schedule B), $0 in Payments to Organizations (Schedule C), and $0 for Automated calls (Schedule D)
10-G: $16,150.00 in Receipts, $15,214.61 in Disbursements, $3,404.33 funds on hand
40-G: $22,500.00 in Receipts, $0 in Disbursements, $1,141.70 funds on hand
EDE-P: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 3 days late, $120 fine paid
Special: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 2 days late, $80 fine paid
10-G: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 7 days late, $280 fine paid
EDE-G: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 3 days late, $120 fine paid
40-G: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 1 day late, $40 fine paid
Supplemental: October 2, 2010 Election, filed 13 days late, $400 fine paid
10-P: October 5, 2002 Election, filed 7 days late, $280 fine paid
10-G: October 5, 2002 Election, filed 9 days late, $360 fine paid
30-P: November 4, 2014 Election, filed 9 days late, $360 fine paid
18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed. 18:1484.(2)(b). Each candidate for any other public office shall file reports of contributions in excess of two hundred dollars in the aggregate during the aggregating period.
Decline to waive.
Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2015-292 - Waiver Request
2015-292- BOE request for supporting documentation