Agenda Item
Docket No. 15-719
Disqualification plan and advisory opinion request regarding whether Linda Roy, may be appointed as an instructional coach for the Livingston Parish School System while her daughter, Beth Jones, is the principal of Live Oak High School (LOHS).
Beth Jones was recently hired as the principal of LOHS in June 2015. Linda Ray was hired as an instructional coach by LOHS in 2007 and has been reappointed to this position every successive year. The instructional coach position is now appointed by the district. This position is also compensated by the district.

This position includes coordinating the Advanced Placement at LOHS and beginning a Pre-AP curriculum at Live Oak Middle. A disqualification plan was submitted indicating the change in appointing authority and supervision over the instructional coach position. This position now being appointed by Tracy McRae, the Livingston Parish Public School Supervisor of Instruction and District Test Coordinator (Coordinator). Ms. Roy's direct supervisor will be Ms. McRae. Ms. McRae will sign off on Ms. Roy's times sheets and other administrative matters. Under the plan submitted, Ms. Roy does not at any time report to her mother or is in any way under her supervision.


La. R.S. 42:1113A(1)(a) prohibits a public servant, member of his immediate family, or legal entity in which he has a controlling interest from entering into any contract, subcontract or other transaction under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion and approval of the disqualification plan.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2015-719 Proposed opinion (2)
2015-719 - Advisory Opinion Request
2015-719- linda roy addendum
2015-719- Linda Roy Disqualification