Agenda Item
Docket No. 15-1242
Advisory opinion request as to whether Marcus Clark, a Justice of the Supreme Court, may use his campaign funds to purchase books regarding search and seizure for various law enforcement agencies within the state.
Justice Clark would like to use his campaign funds to purchase books regarding search and seizure for various law enforcement agencies within the state. In particular, he would like to purchase these books for law enforcement agencies located in high poverty areas within his judicial district that would not otherwise have the resources to purchase these educational materials. As part of his role as a Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Clark frequently educates other officials regarding the law.
La. R.S.18:1505.2I provides that campaign funds may not be used for any personal use unrelated to the candidate's campaign or his holding of public office. This Subsection also provides that excess funds may be used for a future campaign; returned to contributors on a pro-rata basis; given as charitable contributions as provided in 26 USC 170(c) or contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations; or in support of or opposition to a proposition, political party or candidate.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2015-1242 Draft Advisory Opinion(2)
2015-1242 - Advisory Opinion Request