Agenda Item
Docket No. 15-1342
Advisory opinion request by Marion French regarding whether there would be a conflict of interest if he were to serve on the Alexandria Civil Service Commission while representing clients who work for the City of Alexandria.
Mr. French is an attorney who maintains a general practice and has represented city employees in divorces, loan closings, child support matters, wills, successions, adoptions, etc. He was sworn in as a commissioner for the Commission on November 18, 2015. However, he resigned his position from the Alexandria Civil Service Commission effective December 29, 2015. He would like to withdraw your request due to the scenario now being moot.
The issue is now moot. Mr. French has requested that his opinion request be withdrawn.
La. R.S. 42:1111C(2)(d) provides that no public servant and no legal entity in which the public servant exercises control or owns an interest in excess of twenty-five percent, shall receive any thing of economic value for or in consideration of services rendered, or to be rendered, to or for any person during his public service unless such services are neither performed for nor compensated by any person from whom such public servant would be prohibited by R.S. 42:1115(A)(1) or (B) from receiving a gift.
Decline to render an opinion and grant the withdrawal of his request.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2015-1342 Withdrawal
2015-1342- Withdrawal request
2015-1342 - Advisory Opinion Request