Agenda Item
Docket No. 16-220
Advisory opinion request regarding whether Anthony Lewis may serve as an attorney for the Workforce Development Board (Development Board) under the Workforce Innovation Act (WIOA) when he previously served on the Workforce Investment Board (Investment Board) under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
Anthony Lewis was a member of the Investment Board. If permitted, he would work on an as-needed or contractual basis with the Development Board.

Members of the Investment Board were selected by the parish president and appointed through the Chambers of Commerce and Trade Organizations. The Investment Board ceased to exist on July 1, 2015. The Development Board commenced on November 19, 2015. Members were selected in the same manner as the Investment Board. The functions of the boards were similar as they both serve eligible dislocated workers, youth, and adult participants, but the Development Board is geared more to increasing employment and becoming self-sufficient.
La. R.S. 42: 1121A(2) provides that no former member of a board or commission shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service on such board or commission, contract with, be employed in any capacity by, or be appointed to any position by that board or commission.
Adopt proposed opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2016-220 Draft opinion
2016-220- Additional Info
2016-220 - Advisory Opinion Request