Agenda Item
Docket No. 14-482
Ethics Adjudicatory Board Order regarding the assessment of additional penalties under La. R.S. 18:1505.4A(4)(a)and(b) against Michael Grimmer, an unsuccessful candidate for Parish President, Livingston Parish, in the October 22, 2011 election, who has failed to file his 2013 supplemental campaign finance report by February 15, 2014.
On January 12, 2017, the EAB held a hearing to determine if the candidate's 2013 supplemental campaign report was more than 11 days late. Evidence was entered that proved the report has not been filed to date.

On March 15, 2017, the EAB held that the candidate's report was over 11days late and ordered that the Board of Ethics may impose the additional penalties allowed by 18:1505.4A(4)(b).

La. R.S. 18:1505.1 states that the failure to file or failure to disclose accurately any information required to be reported shall constitute a violation of the CFDA.

La. R. S. 18:1495.4D(1) of the CFDA provides that if the final report of a candidate for an election shows a deficit or a surplus, the candidate shall file a supplemental report with the supervisory committee of all expenditures, loans, and contributions received. Such reports are filed annually no later than February 15 and shall be complete through the preceding December thirty-first. Such report shall be filed until a report is filed which shows no deficit and until any surplus campaign funds have been disposed.

La. R.S. 18:1505.4A(4)(b) For all other reports required by this Chapter, in addition to any penalties that may be imposed by this Section or any other law, the supervisory committee may impose on any person required to file such a report who has not filed such report by the eleventh day after such report is due, after an adjudicatory hearing by an adjudicatory panel of the Ethics Adjudicatory Board conducted in accordance with the Code of Governmental Ethics, with notice to the party who is the subject of the hearing, an additional civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars.

Order staff to assess an additional $10,000 penalty in accordance with La. R.S. 18:1505.4A(4)(b).
Assigned Attorney: Suzanne Mooney
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