Agenda Item
Docket No. 17-616
Request that the Board waive the $400, $320 and $200 campaign finance late fees assessed against Jimmie "Fatboy" Randle, a candidate for Selectman, District VI, City of Plaquemine, Iberville Parish (Pop. 7119), in the November 8, 2016 election, whose EDE-P, 10-G, and 2016 Supplemental campaign finance disclosure reports were filed 12, 8, and 5 days late, respectively.
Jimmie Randle states that he has been having health issues for the past six years. He states he has had his leg amputated, also had a kidney and pancreas transplant and asks that the Ethics Board take this into consideration and waive the penalty in this matter. If the waiver is not granted, he states he would like the Board to allow him to enter into a payment plan paying $50 a month.
ELECTION: November 8, 2016
TYPES OF REPORT: EDE-P, 10-G and 2016 Suppl
DAYS LATE: 12, 8 and 5
ASSESSED FEE: $400, $320 and $200
REPORTS DUE: November 18, 2016; November 30, 2016 and February 15, 2017
REPORTS FILED: November 30, 2016; December 8, 2016, 2016, and February 20, 2017
ACTIVITY REPORTED: EDE-P: $0 in Receipts, $170 in Disbursements and $0 in Funds on Hand at Close of Reporting Period

10-G: $0 in Receipts, $0 in Disbursements and $124.52 in Funds on Hand at Close of Reporting Period

2016 Suppl: $0 in Receipts, $124.52 in Disbursements and $0 in Funds on Hand at Close of Reporting Period


11/6/2012 Election: 30-P (1 days late) - $40; 10-P (268 days late) $400;

EDE-P (18 days late) $720; 10-G (238 days late) $1,000

18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed. 18:1484.(2)(b). Each candidate for any other public office shall file reports of contributions in excess of two hundred dollars in the aggregate during the aggregating period.
Decline to waive the the EDE-P, 10-G and 2016 Supplemental reports. Offer Mr. Randle a payment plan.

Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2017-616 Waiver Request
2017-616- WR Documentation Request
E-mail Jimmie Randle - Waiver Docu Ltr.pdf
2017-616- WR Documentation Request (2)