Agenda Item
Docket No. 17-969
Request that the Board waive the $1,200 and $200 campaign finance late fees assessed against Joseph Bouie, Jr., a candidate for Council Member at Large, Division 1, Orleans Parish, in the October 14, 2017 election, whose 180-P and 90-P campaign finance disclosure reports were filed 104 and 2 days late, respectively.
Talmadge E. Mitchel, Joseph Bouie's committee treasurer, states that Joseph Bouie had not made a determination that he would qualify as a candidate for the Councilman at Large position for the City of New Orleans and did not decide to qualify until the qualifying date (July 14, 2017). During the period the reports were due to be file, Representative Bouie states he was serving as a Representative for the 90th District in the State of Louisiana. He states his intention was to remain in that position until the next election, therefore, the only report that would be filed would be the annual report. During the period up to the qualifying date for the Council member race, Representative Bouie states he did not have any fund raisers or provided any indication or consideration to run for the Council member office. He states there were no exploratory committees formed or other examples of a consideration to qualify for the position. He states the contributions and expenditures reported were normal for that period and did not reflect an anticipation for the Council member race.
ELECTION: October 14, 2017
TYPES OF REPORT: 180-P and 90-P
DAYS LATE: 104 and 2
ASSESSED FEE: $1200, $200
REPORTS DUE: April 17, 2017 and July 17, 2017
REPORTS FILED: July 30, 2017, and July 19, 2017
ACTIVITY REPORTED: 180 -P: $1,200 in Receipts, $1,050 in Disbursements and $15,343.56 in Funds on Hand at Close of Reporting Period

90-P: $1,000. in Receipts, $611 in Disbursements and $15,732.56 in Funds on Hand at Close of Reporting Period


Election 2/1/2014: SPEC (4 days late) - $240

2014 Suppl (8 days late) - $480

10/24/2015 10-P (9 days late) - $540

10-G (12 days late) - $720

18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed. 18:1484.(2)(b). Each candidate for any other public office shall file reports of contributions in excess of two hundred dollars in the aggregate during the aggregating period.
Suspend all based on future compliance for the 180-P report. Decline to waive for the 90-P report.

Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2017-969 Waiver Request