Agenda Item
Docket No. 17-906
Advisory opinion request from Geni Wyatt, Human Resource Administrator for the Grant Parish Police Jury, regarding whether she may operate a vending machine in the courthouse where Grant Police Jury employees' offices are located.
Geni Wyatt's duties as the Human Resource Administrator for Grant Parish include handling employee benefits, retirement, workers compensation, and accounts payable. She stated that she does not supervise anyone. She and her husband are interested in purchasing a vending machine to be placed in the same building in which her office is located. She or her husband would restock the vending machine outside Geni Wyatt's working hours. Finally, Mrs. Wyatt stated that she is not required to enter into any written contract or agreement with the Grant Police Jury in order to place the vending machine on the property. However, the Grant Parish Police Jury members have each agreed to allow her to place the vending machine on the premises in the event there is no ethics issue.

La. R.S. 42:1113A provides that no public servant or member of such a public servant's immediate family, or legal entity in which he has a controlling interest shall bid on or enter into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.
Adopt proposed opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2017-906 Proposed Opinion
2017-906 Advisory Opinion Request
2017-906- Additional Information