Agenda Item
Docket No. 17-1293
Advisory opinion request by Glenn Brasseaux, Mayor of Carencro (Lafayette Parish- pop. 7,526) whether members of the Carencro Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC) are exempt from filing annual financial disclosure reports per La. R.S. 42:1124.2.1.
The City of Carencro created PARC to administer the recreation needs for the city in 1993. It receives six hundred and ninety thousand ($690,000) in dedicated sales tax from the City, but adopts its own budget which is also approved by the City. PARC members recently began receiving a one hundred twenty-five dollar per diem each month which was approved by PARC and the Carencro City Council. The current population of the City of Carencro is 7,526.
La. R.S. 42:1124:2.1A(1) provides that each member and any designee of a member of a board or commission that has the authority to expend, disburse, or invest ten thousand or more funds in a fiscal shall file a financial statement as provided by this Section.

La. R.S. 42:1124.2.1D(1)(b)(iv) provides that "board or commission" shall not mean any board or commission or like entity that governs a political subdivision created by a single municipal governing authority of a municipality with a population of twenty-five thousand or less, or any subdistrict of such political subdivision.

Adopt proposed opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Brett Robinson
2017-1293 Proposed Opinion
2017-1293 Request for Advisory Opinion
2017-1293- Additional Info