Agenda Item
Docket No. 18-056
Advisory opinion request as to whether Marion Fox, if elected as a state representative, may maintain her current position and employment as Director of the Jefferson Davis Parish Economic Development Commission and Director of the Jefferson Davis Parish Tourist Commission.
Marion Fox, if elected as a state representative, would like to maintain her current position and employment as Director of the Jefferson Davis Parish Economic Development Commission (Economic Development Commission) and Director of the Jefferson Davis Parish Tourist Commission (Tourist Commission). The Economic Development Commission and the Tourist Commission are operated out of a single office under a Joint Services Agreement that was entered into to maximize available resources. The Economic Development Commission derives its funding from the Jefferson Davis Parish Landfill Commission, which develops its revenues from the operation of the local landfill. Further, the Tourist Commission receives enterprise funds from the state general fund and is also funded through a 4% hotel occupancy tax that was created by the Louisiana Legislature. The tax is collected by the Jefferson Davis Parish School Board and forwarded to the Tourist Commission. Marion Fox's position is full-time and she is officially an employee of the Tourist Commission.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2018-056 Draft Advisory Opinion
2018-056 Request for Advisory Opinion