Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-181
Request that the Board waive the $540, $480, $60, and $60 late fees assessed against Charles Heck, Jr., a candidate for City Judge, Monroe City Court, in the October 2, 2010 election, whose Special, 10-G, Special, and EDE-P reports were due by September 23, 2010,October 25, 2010, October 12, 2010 and November 1, 2010, and were filed 9, 8, 1, and 8 days late.
ELECTION: October 2, 2010
TYPE OF REPORTS: Special, EDE-P, 10-G, and Special
DAYS LATE: 9,1,8, and 1
ASSESSED FEES: $540, $60, $480, and $60
REPORTS DUE: September 23, 2010, October 12, 2010, October 25, 2010, and November1, 2010
REPORTS FILED: October 13, 2010, November 2, 2010, and November 15, 2010
Special: $2,500 in contributions

EDE-P: $0 activity

10-G: $9,100 in receipts, $8,557.92 in disbursements, and $602.02 in funds on hand

Special: $4,700 in activity

In connection with her request for a waiver of the $60 late fee assessed for the late filing of the EDE-P campaign finance report, Debbie Dukes, accountant for Charles Heck, Jr., states that she prepared and electronically filed the EDE-P report on October 25, 2010. She did not realize the report had not been filed until the candidate received notice that he had not filed the report. Upon receipt of the notice, she immediately filed the report, and confirmed that the report had been electronically filed.

In connection with his request for a waiver of the $480, $60, and $540 late fees assessed for the late filings of his 10-G and Special reports, Gareld DeWitt, accountant for Charles Heck, Jr., states that through an oversight, they failed to report a contribution and a loan. The oversight was not discovered until after the reports were due. As soon as the errors were discovered, the reports were filed.

Mr. Heck is a district level candidate. This is his first election.

Decline to waive based on the level of activity.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2011-181: Charles Heck, Jr.-waiver request-EDE-P
2011-181: Charles Heck, Jr.-waiver request-10-G and Specials