Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-227
Request that the Board waive the $80 and $160 late fees assessed against Tommy Eschete, a candidate for Mayor, City of Thibodaux, in the October 2, 2010 election, whose Special and 10-G campaign finance disclosure reports were due by September 30, 2010 and October 25, 2010, and were filed 2 and 4 days late.
ELECTION: October 2, 2010
TYPE OF REPORTS: 10-G report and a Special report
DAYS LATE: 2 and 4
ASSESSED FEES: $80 and $160
REPORTS DUE: September 30, 2010 and October 25, 2010
REPORTS FILED: October 29, 2010 and November 3, 2010

10-G(due 10/25/10)
$1,600 in receipts, $8,852.66 in disbursements, and $1,403.28 in funds on hand

Special (due 9/30/10) $500 contribution


A Special report due September 20, 2010 and filed 1day late, in connection with the October 2, 2010 election. The $40 assessed late fee in connection with the September 20, 2010 election has been paid.

In connection with his request for a waiver of the $80 and $160 assessed for the late filings of his Special campaign finance reports, Tommy Eschete states that he became confused with the filing requirements because there was not a runoff for the general election. He assumed that he did not need to file until the prescribed dates following the general election. He further states that this is his first election and he made every good faith effort to timely file his reports. He immediately filed all required reports after receiving notice from the Campaign Finance division that he missed a deadline.

Mr. Eschete is an any other level candidate.

Decline to waive based on level of activity.

Assigned Attorney: Alesia Ardoin
2011-227: Waiver Request