Agenda Item
Docket No. 18-973
Advisory opinion regarding whether the post-employment restrictions in Code of Governmental Ethics (Code) would prohibit former Deputy Mayor of New Orleans Ryan Berni from contracting to perform services for the New Orleans Department of Safety and Permits, or any other department that was not under his supervision as Deputy Mayor.
Advisory opinion regarding whether the post-employment restrictions in Code would prohibit former Deputy Mayor of New Orleans Ryan Berni from contracting to perform services to the New Orleans Department of Safety and Permits, or any other department not under his supervision as Deputy Mayor. Mr. Berni served as the Deputy Mayor of External Affairs from January of 2016 until January of 2018. Can Mr. Berni contract with unattached boards or commissions of the City of New Orleans, newly created boards or commissions that did not exist when he served as Deputy Mayor and any other government agency or political subdivisions. Mr. Berni will not contract with any program that he supervised during his tenure as Deputy Mayor.
La. R.S. 42:1121 (A)(1) of the Code prohibits a former agency head from assisting another person for compensation, in a transaction, or appearance in a connection with a transaction, involving that agency or rendering any service on a contractual basis to that agency.

La. R.S. 42:1121(B) specifically prohibits a public servant from contracting for compensation for two years after termination of their employment on any project which they participated while employed with the agency or from providing the same services that they rendered to the agency.

Adopt draft advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Suzanne Mooney
2018-973- draft opinion (3)
2018-973 Request for Advisory Opinion