Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-216
Advisory opinion regarding whether Don Dial, after his retirement as the Director of the Capital Area Ground Water Conservation Commission may return to work with the Commission to assist on an interim temporary basis.
Don Dial is the Director of the Capital Area Ground Water Conservation Commission. He will retire in February of 2011. The Commission has a board and two employees which consist of the Director and his assistant. They are unclassified employees. The Commission has appointed someone to replace the director after his retirement. Mr. Dial would like to assist the new Director on a temporary basis as a mentor and adviser. Mr. Dial states that he would not be involved with the Director's duties except to lend a hand with his technical knowledge and experience.

Section 1121A(1) of the Code prohibits a former agency head, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service, from assisting another person for compensation in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction, involving his former agency or render any service on a contractual basis to or for such agency. Section 1102 of the Code defines an agency head as the chief administrative officer of an agency.


Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Aneatra Boykin
2011-216: Advisory Opinion Request