Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-225
Advisory opinion request regarding former Legislative Auditor Steve Theriot lobbying the Louisiana Legislature.
Mr. Steve Theriot was the Louisiana Legislative Auditor from Mary 20, 2004 through November 20, 2009. Mr. Theriot also served as the Interim President of Jefferson Parish from January 13, 2010 through October 13, 2010.

1121. Assistance to certain persons after termination of public service
A.(1) No former agency head or elected official shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service as the head of such agency or as an elected public official serving in such agency, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction, involving that agency or render any service on a contractual basis to or for such agency.

(2) No former member of a board or commission shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public service on such board or commission, contract with, be employed in any capacity by, or be appointed to any position by that board or commission.

B. (1) General rule for other public employees. No former public employee shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public employment, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction in which such former public employee participated at any time during his public employment and involving the governmental entity by which he was formerly employed, or for a period of two years following termination of his public employment, render, any service which such former public employee had rendered to the agency during the term of his public employment on a contractual basis, regardless of the parties to the contract, to, for, or on behalf of the agency with which he was formerly employed.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Mike Dupree
2011-225: Draft Opinion
2011-225: Advisory Opinion Request