Agenda Item
Docket No. 18-1070
Request for an advisory opinion from Meladie Munch, President of Dawn Busters Kiwanis of Metairie (pop. 138,481) relative to her local Kiwanis Club providing public school employees gifts for meritorious service.
Dawn Busters Kiwanis of Metairie is a local service organization located in Metairie. One of the service projects is to award teachers and librarians in the Jefferson Parish Public School System for their meritorious public contributions teaching students reading based on the elementary schools' performance determined by students' achievement in the Kiwanis Rewards for Reading Program. The awards would be in the form of gift baskets comprised of coffee, tea, inexpensive jewelry and spa treatments. Principals at the eligible schools would decide which teachers are eligible for a random drawing to receive the gift baskets based on the students' success in the Rewards for Reading Program.
La. R.S. 42:1111A prohibits a public servant from receiving anything of economic value, other than compensation and benefits from the governmental entity to which he is duly entitled, for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of his office or position.

La. R.S. 42:1123(2)(a) provides that an exception to the Code of Governmental Ethics would be awards for meritorious public contributions given by public service organizations.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Greg Thibodeaux
2018-1070AO Draft _3 - Munch
2018-1070 Request for Advisory Opinion
2018-1070- Additional Information Meladie Munch