Agenda Item
Docket No. 19-754
Advisory opinion request, submitted by Garnette A. Listi, regarding whether the sponsor of a public servant's complimentary admission, lodging or reasonable transportation may include any third party, including an existing or potential vendor with which Delgado Community College currently does or will do business, as long as the other requirements of La. R.S. 42:1115.2 are met.
There is no current or potential vendor offering these goods or services to Delgado employees, but in the past vendors have offered to pay for faculty members' professional development opportunities at national conference or training for their products that require travel. Delgado has not allowed this practice previously under the language of the now-repealed La. R.S. 42:1123(41), but faculty members would stand to benefit as Delgado does not have sufficient funds to provide professional development opportunities.
La. R.S. 42:1115.2 provides an exception to the restrictions of La. R.S. 1111 and La. R.S. 1115 by allowing the acceptance by a public servant of complimentary admission, lodging, and reasonable transportation, or reimbursement of such expenses, if the agency head of the public servant's agency certifies: (1) that the public servant's acceptance of such benefits is either of direct benefit to the agency or will enhance the knowledge or skill of the public servant as it relates to the performance of his public service; and (2) that the agency head approved the public servant's acceptance in advance.
Adopt the proposed opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Matthew DeVille
2019-754 Advisory Opinion Draft.v3 (2)
2019-754 Request for Opinion