Agenda Item
Docket No. 19-888
Request for advisory opinion from Michah Moscovis, Chair of the Acadiana Area Human Services District, relative to whether it is an ethics violation for two of its board members to also be employed by the Louisiana Department of Health.
The Acadiana Area Human Services District (AAHSD) is a state agency created by the Louisiana State Legislature. AAHSD operates under a contract with the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) to manage and administer services for both the Office of Behavioral Health and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities. Further, AAHSD is licensed by the Health Standards Section of LDH.

Two board members of AAHSD are employed by the LDH, Office of Public Health, either by contract or by WAE status (Civil Service Rules).

La. R.S. 28:913.7(3) which governs AAHSD, prohibits a board member or his immediate family from owning or having any interest or part in any public or private organization, business, company, or entity conducting business of any kind with the district or authority.

None applicable.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Greg Thibodeaux
2019-888 AO Draft _1- Moscovis
2019-888 Request for Opinion