Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-1769
Advisory opinion regarding whether Chance's Computer's, owned by newly elected Livingston Parish Councilman, Chance Parent, may continue to contract with the Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 4 and the Livingston Parish Communication District Board.
Chance Parent was recently elected to the Livingston Parish Council and will take office in January 2012. Mr. Parent owns Chance's Computer's. Chance's Computer's has an ongoing contract with the both the Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 4 and the Livingston Parish Communication District Board for the provision of computer services.

Both the Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 4 and the Livingston Parish Communication District Board were created by the Livingston Parish Council.

La. R.S. 42:1113A prohibits a public servant, a member of his immediate family or a legal entity in which either owns a controlling interest, from bidding on or entering into a contract, subcontract or transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the public servant's agency.

La. R.S. 42:1111C(2)(d) prohibits a public servant and a legal entity in which the public servant exercises control or owns an interest from receiving any thing of economic value for services rendered to or for any person during his public service unless such services are neither performed for nor compensated by any person who has or is seeking to have a contractual, business or financial relationship with the public servant's agency.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Tracy Barker
2011-1769 Draft Opinion
2011-1769- Advisory Opinion Request