Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-1777
Advisory opinion regarding whether the son of Keith Hardesty, plant manager for Water Works District #4 of Ward #4 of Calcasieu Parish, may work on an as needed basis for the Water Works District.
Keith Hardesty is the plant manager for Water Works District #4 of Ward #4 of Calcasieu Parish. Mr. Hardesty is not responsible for hiring or firing employees nor does he set policies or salaries. His job entails oversight of the plant operations. Mr. Hardesty has one other employee to assist him in plant operations and maintenance, which includes all leak repairs, new taps, any and all maintenance on the system. When one is out, this creates a problem if there is an emergency. Mr. Hardesty states that his son is the only available on such short notice.

La. R.S. 42:1119A states that no member of the immediate family of an agency head shall be employed in his agency.
La. R.S. 42:1113A prohibits a public servant, a member of his immediate family or a legal entity in which either owns a controlling interest, from bidding on or entering into a contract, subcontract or transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the public servant's agency.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Tracy Barker
2011-1777 Draft OPinion
2011-1777- Advisory Opinion Request