Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-1614
Advisory opinion as to whether Ms Jeanne M. Monte, an employee of the Jefferson Parish School Board, may serve as a board member for a proposed new charter school in Jefferson Parish.
Ms. Monte worked for the Jefferson Parish School Board (JPSB) as a teacher and assistant principal between 1971-1996. From June 30, 1996 - May 30, 2004 she served as the founding principal at Jefferson's first charter school, Jefferson Community School.
In September 2007 she returned to work for the JPSB where she currently serves as an administrator at Theodore Roosevelt Middle School. Her job duties consist of regulating disciplinary matters within the school and school safety. Recently, she was asked to serve as a board member (not a paid position) for a proposed new charter school in Jefferson Parish by Dianne Hollis. Ms. Hollis currently has no affiliation with the JPSB. The Charter School is organized as a Type II charter school and was chartered by the JPSB, but will ultimately be administered by the charter school board.

Section 1113A of the Code prohibits a public servant from entering into transaction under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Brent Durham
2011-1614 (Monte - Charter School Board Member)
2011-1614- Advisory Opinion Request