Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-549
Consideration of the charges filed against Lindora Baker, a candidate for 3rd District State Representative in the October 20, 2007 election, who failed to file a supplemental campaign finance disclosure report which was due by February 15, 2011.
At its August 2011 meeting, the Board voted to file charges against Lindora Baker for her failure to file a Supplemental report in connection with the October 20, 2007 election. On September 8, 2011, Ms. Baker filed the required report.

18:1505.1.A. Failure to submit the reports required by this Chapter shall constitute a violation of this Chapter. Failure to submit any such report within three days after the final date for filing shall be presumptive evidence of intent not to file the report. B. Failure to submit the reports required by this Chapter at the time required shall constitute a violation of this Chapter.
Dismiss the charges against Ms. Baker.
Assigned Attorney: Aneatra Boykin
2011-549- Lindora Baker-Charges