Agenda Item
Docket No. 12-118
Advisory opinion regarding whether a State Farm Insurer who also serves as a Livingston Parish Councilman, Joan Landry, may also vote and approve matters which involve her clients.
Joan Landry states that she is a councilman for Livingston Parish and a State Farm agent. She wants to know whether she can vote to appointment of the Parish President for Finance Director if the appointed person is her client or whether she can approve a bid contract for a contractor who is also her client.

Section 1112 of the Code prohibits a public servant from participating in transactions with the governmental entity of the public servant in which any person who is a party to an existing contract with such public servant or with any legal entity in which the public servant exercises control and who is by reason thereof in a position to affect the economic interest of the public servant.
Adopt the advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Aneatra Boykin
2012-118 (1112)
2012-118- Advisory Opinion Request