Agenda Item
Docket No. 11-1674
Reconsideration of a waiver request of Warren Founds, Jr. regarding a $2,500 late fee assessed for his filing of his 2009 Tier 2 annual pfd 445 days late.
TYPE OF REPORT: 2009 Annual Report DAYS LATE: 445 days



Warren Founds is the Sabine Parish Coroner. On July 19, 2010, he received a notice of delinquency requesting he file his 2009 Tier 2 annual pfd. He filed it on October 25, 2011, 445 days late. Mr. Founds states that he is 96 years old recovering from a prolonged surgical procedure. He is also the sole caretaker for his wife who is an invalid from a stroke and suffering from seven fractures. He also states he has not received any contributions or made any expenditures. Additional information was requested. Mr. Founds stated he contacted his doctor to submit information and thought his doctor had. The staff has not received any addtional information. Mr. Founds stated he would try to get back to the doctor, but that he does not get around easy or out a lot.

La. R.S. 42:1124.2 requires each person holding a public office who represents a voting district having a population of 5,000 or more persons to file an annual personal financial disclosure statement on or before May 15th of each year during which the person holds office and the year following termination of the holding of such office.
La. R.S. 42:1124.4 of the Code provides that upon discovery of the failure to file, failure to timely file, omission of information or inaccurate information, the Board shall notify the filer by sending him a notice of delinquency by certified mail. The notice of delinquency shall inform the person that the financial statement must be filed, or that the information must be disclosed or accurately disclosed, or that a written answer contesting the allegation of such failure, omission, or inaccuracy must be filed no later than fourteen (14) business days after receipt of the notice of delinquency.

Rescind the late fee.

Assigned Attorney: Tracy Barker
2011-1674- Staff Memo