Agenda Item
Docket No. 12-017
Advisory opinion request regarding whether Paul Hildreth and Oliver Schultz, physical therapists employed by LSU Health Care Services Division who work at Interim LSU Public Hospital, may be employed by LSU Health Sciences Center-School of Allied Health Professionals to provide physical therapy services on weekends and holidays at the hospital.
Paul Hildreth and Oliver Schultz work as physical therapists at LSU Health Care Services Division (HCSD) at Interim LSU Public Hospital (ILH). They would like to work extra hours on weekends and holidays at ILH through LSU Health Sciences Center - School of Allied Health Professionals ("School") pursuant to an agreement for professional services between HCSD and the School. The Human Resources Director at ILH stated that physical therapists working for HCSD are allowed to work weekends and holidays at ILH as their normal duties and are paid overtime for their services.

La. R.S. 42:1113A(1)(a) prohibits a public servant from entering into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Jennifer Land
2012-017- Advisory Opinion
2012-017- Advisory Opinion Request
2012-017- Adv Op 2000-135
2012-017- Contract