Agenda Item
Docket No. 13-099
An advisory opinion request from the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission regarding the Vermilion Parish Police Jury appointing a Police Juror, Ronald Darby, to sit on the board of the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission.
The Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission is requesting an opinion as to whether it is a conflict of interest for Vermilion Parish Police Juror Erroll Domingues to appoint Vermilion Parish Police Juror Ronald Darby to sit as a board member of the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission. The Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission Board is appointed by the Vermilion Parish Police Jury. It is a volunteer board where no member receives compensation for serving. Mr.Ronald Darby started serving on the Tourist Commission in January or this year. The Tourist Commission Board wanted an opinion before they go too far into their yearly meetings. the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission would like to make sure that there is no violation of the Code of Ethics or conflicts of interests
This matter involves past conduct.

1113A(b)(ii) No public servant shall enter into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of his agency except when the parish governing authority appoints one of its members to a board or commission and the appointee receives no salary or per diem for services on the board or commission.

Decline to render.

Assigned Attorney: Suzanne Mooney
2013-099- Opinion Request