Agenda Item
Docket No. 13-420
Advisory opinion request regarding post employment restriction on Mr. James H. Lee an employee of the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) if he were to take a job with Fugro Consulting.
Mr. Lee is currently employed as an Engineering Technician DCL (Dual Career Path) of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. He has been offered a job with Fugro Consulting of Austin, Texas. Mr. Lee is not an agency head and has no supervisory authority. Mr. Lee is the assistant to the Management Systems Engineer for Databank Management. His current job duties include maintaining a database related to pavement, bridge and other statewide management systems for DOTD.

The data on pavement is supplied by vendors while the data on bridges is supplied by the Department. He is responsible for the storing and dispersing of data collected over 20,000 miles of highways in the State of Louisiana. He is responsible for the development of computer software programs with specialized engineering applications. He provides IT assistance to the nine DOTD districts.

Fugro currently has a contract with the division Mr. Lee works for to perform data collection and road assessment on state highways. Fugro has offered Mr. Lee a position as a project manager for consulting work with parishes and municipalities. The job would be to develop a pavement management systems data collection at the parish and local level

1121B(1) General rule for other public employees. No former public employee shall, for a period of two years following termination of his public employment, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction in which such former public employee participated at any time during his public employment and involving the governmental entity by which he was formerly employed, or for a period of two years following termination of his public employment, render, any service which such former public employee had rendered to the agency during the term of his public employment on a contractual basis, regardless of the parties to the contract, to for, or on behalf of the agency with which he was formerly employed.

Adpot proposed advisory opinion.

Assigned Attorney: Suzanne Mooney
2013-420 Lee draft opinion.wp
2013-420- Advisory Opinion Request