Louisiana state seal Louisiana Ethics Administration Program
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• <br /> APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: <br /> BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, in the Parish of Fast Baton Rouge, <br /> State of Louisiana, personally came and appeared Anthony J. "Buddy" Amoroso, who <br /> executed this document in the nce of the undersigned compet witnesses, after a due <br /> reading of the whole, this ILJrte day of 201 . <br /> WITN!SES: <br /> G// <br /> Printed Name: civ" - . i5Osl By\i 7-77rintl ^ Amoroso <br /> �a <br /> Printed Name: Amarizap4Ptor gn <br /> OFFICIAL SEAL A V/ � Y/ \ <br /> lII�/p1JODI R. BAUER <br /> N -t y ' ubll FJ BAR ROLLp31ID93 <br /> ..°Y GAPSTAOEE SLTO91 0LOGEPtW ' am 0 LR '71111/C-" <br /> 9� -1O <br /> _ <br /> nedr Notary PublicNo. Bar Roll No. / <br /> Commission expireser Dl( /1 <br /> BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, <br /> State of Louisiana, personally came and appeared Lori Bell Young, who executed this <br /> document in the presence of the undersigned competent witness; , Idle a due reading of the <br /> whole, this 1-0}V' day of 1202 , 2019. <br /> WITNESSES:ITTN <br /> ' <br /> PrintedNam� : Pkvvx€ W. ksd✓t .arime � it LLC <br /> /1 ) , sl -y1, ,-t ,A , - Duly AAudio ed epresentarive <br /> Printed Name: Idirg:tr (. <br /> IA 417` <br /> OFFIC1aL SEAL Nlbry Public <br /> ` <br /> . .:"LAIyy 'ODI R. BAUER P nted Name: 1c6'� P- O9r$ � <br /> . ROLLII31033 <br /> ( ATOANA Notary Publ No. Bar RkIIN Zjlt2 t - <br /> - sATox ROuGE Commission expires g1 11.(211-),, <br /> Co -srmmisse.. srCta <br /> Ethics Board Docket No. 2016-529 Page 13 of 13 <br />