Agenda Item
Docket No. 21-264
Advisory opinion regarding the application of La. R.S. 47:9072A to W. Beau Black, as a member of the Louisiana Lottery Corporation Board of Directors, while he also serves as an elected member of the Plaquemines Parish Council and an ex-officio member of the Plaquemines Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District.
Mr. Black serves as an elected member of the Plaquemines Parish Council and, as a member of the Plaquemines Council, as an ex-officio member of the Plaquemines Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District. He stated he was recently elected to the Louisiana Lottery Corporation and his appointment is subject to Senate Confirmation during the current legislative session scheduled to conclude on June 10, 2021. In regard to his appointment to the Louisiana Lottery Board, he seeks guidance on the application of LA. R.S. 47:9072A, and in particular, asks the questions answered under the Analysis Section.
La. R.S. 42:9072A states the [Lottery] corporation, members of the board of directors, officers of the corporation, and any vendor of computer services to the corporation shall not directly or indirectly organize, participate in, contribute to, endorse, campaign for or against, support, or oppose any proposition, political action committee, elected official, or candidate for public office, or ask or solicit another person to do any of those acts.

AO Docket No. 2007-056

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Tracy Barker
2021-264 Draft rev
2021-264 - Advisory Opinion William _ Beau_ Black