Agenda Item
Docket No. 21-1068
Request that the Board waive $3,000 (Special), $2,400 (Special), $3,000 (10P), $3,000 (10G), $1,600 (Special), and $3,000 (40G) campaign finance late fees, totaling $16,000 assessed against Crescent City Democratic Association, a political action committee, and its committee's chairperson, Joseph R. Sobol, in the November 3, 2020 election, whose three (3) Special (48 Hour) reports and 10-P campaign finance disclosure reports were fined at 15, 12, 8, and 470 days late. The 10-G and 40-G campaign finance reports have not been filed.
Joe Sobol requests an appearance and states the following:

The CCDA was scheduled to appear before the board in August of 2021. On August 17th 2021, Mr. Joel Manuel informed him that this matter no longer required him to represent the Crescent City Democratic Association and to appear before the board, leading him to believe that this matter had been settled. The CCDA is a one-person entity. They have no paid employees and do not work through every election cycle. They spend every penny that they take in on informing the electorate about election issues, or other non-profit causes. When they were made aware, they formed a PAC and are making every effort to follow the rules that govern the PAC's.

ELECTION: November 3, 2020
TYPES OF REPORT: 3-Special Reports (48 Hour), 10-P, 10-G & 40-G
DAYS LATE: 15, 12, 8 (Specials) & 470 (10-P)

ASSESSED FEE: $3,000 (Special), $2,400 (Special), $3,000 (10-P), $3,000 (10-G), $1,600 (Special) & $3,000 (40-G)

REPORTS DUE: 3-Special (48Hour): October 19, 2020; October 22, 2020; November 26, 2020; 10-P: October 26, 2020; 10-G: November 25, 2020; 40-G: January 14, 2021

Special Reports (48Hour):
10-P: 2/8/2022;

8 days- Special (48Hour), 10-G & 40-G: No reports have been filed.

15 days -Special
; $1,500 ( Report #22001509) & $750 (Report #22001510) Contributions on 10/16/2020

12 days- Special; $6,500 (Report #22001511) in Contributions on 10/19/2020

10-P: $31,150.00 in Receipts; $20,138.94 in Expenditures and $11,011.06 Funds on hand at the Close of Reporting Period.


La. R.S. 18:1505.4.A(1): Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed.

LAC 52:1205(C) states if a report is filed more than 10 days late and the amount of activity on the report is less than the amount of the late fee to be assessed, the staff may reduce the late fee to the amount of activity or 10 times the per-day penalty, whichever is greater.

Special Report (Report No. 22001509): Reduce to $2,000; decline to waive remainder.

Decline to waive all other late fees based on waiver guidelines.

Assigned Attorney: David Bordelon
2021-1068 - CF Waiver request Crescent City Democratic Association SPEC 15 Days
2021-1068 - Crescent City Democratic Association SPEC 12 Days
2021-1068 - Crescent City Democratic Association 10-P
2021-1068 - Crescent City Democratic Association 10-G
2021-1068 - Crescent City Democratic Association SPEC 8 Days
2021-1068 - Crescent City Democratic Association 40-G