Agenda Item
Docket No. 22-117
Untimely request that the Board reconsider its decision to suspend all but $200 of the $2,000 campaign finance late fee assessed against Jamie R. Robinson, an unsuccessful candidate for Councilman, Metro District 7, East Baton Rouge Parish, in the November 3, 2020 election, whose 10-G campaign finance disclosure reports were filed 63 days late.

Original request stated:

On November 19, 2020, he was diagnosed with COVID- 19 and strep throat. Just as many other COVID- 19 victims, he had severe long lasting conditions, due to already existent underlining health issues, including asthma and high blood pressure. These long-lasting effects lasted well into the new year of 2021. On December 13, 2020, he was diagnosed with pneumonia at the Baton Rouge General Mid-City Campus, which heavily weighed on his breathing and forced him to stay in bed and rest for an even longer period. He remained home on medication and under doctor's orders. Likewise, for these same reasons he was unable to submit his final report. He attempted to complete the report on December 08, 2020 as he did the others, but he couldn't continue as he was over whelmed with COVID- 19 symptoms.

Reconsideration request states that he never received the result letter from the initial waiver request, and requests that we rescind the fine due to medical issues for which information was provided.

ELECTION: November 3, 2020
REPORTS DUE: November 25, 2020
REPORTS FILED: January 27, 2021
ACTIVITY REPORT: $948.56 in Receipts; $948.56 in Expenditures; $-0 Funds on Hand at the Close of Reporting Period. OTHER LATE FILINGS: TWO - Due Date 2/24/2022

30-P (9 days late) - $540

10-P (43 days late) - $948.56

18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed.

LAC 52:1205B(2) states that if, during the 14 days prior to the report being due, a serious medical condition, in the considered judgment of the staff, prevented the filer or person regularly responsible from making the report, the fine shall be rescinded

Consider untimely request; rescind based on Rule 1205B(2).

Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2022-117 - CF Waiver Request - Jamie Robinson
2022-117- WR Letter !0-G - Suspend Portion
2022-117- Reconsideration Request via E-mail from Jamie Robinson
2022-117- Certified Return Receipt - Jamie R. Robinson - 2022-117 WR letter