Agenda Item
Docket No. 22-722
Advisory Opinion Request from Brett Geymann, candidate for State Representative, 35th Representative District, in a future election, as to whether an insurance policy for a "hole-in-one" prize for a vehicle may be purchased by a contributor to his campaign.
Brett Geymann is currently the State Representative for the 35th Representative District, and has filed an annual report indicating he is a candidate for such office in a future election.

Rep. Geymann is planning on hosting a golf tournament as a fundraiser for his campaign. Lake Charles Toyota ("LCT") would like to sponsor a "hole-in-one" prize for the tournament. LCT would do this by utilizing hole-in-one insurance policy, whereby they would purchase an insurance policy, and in the event someone wins the prize, the insurer would pay for the cost of the vehicle.

La. R.S. 18:1505.2H(1)(a)(ii) states that the contribution limit for district level candidates is $2,500.

La. R.S. 18:1483(6)(a) defines "contribution" as a gift, conveyance, payment, or deposit of money or anything of value, or the forgiveness of a loan or of a debt, made for the purpose of supporting, opposing, or otherwise influencing the nomination or election of a person to public office, for the purpose of supporting or opposing a proposition or question submitted to the voters, or for the purpose of supporting or opposing the recall of a public officer, whether made before or after the election.

La. R.S. 18:1483(6)(b) states that "contribution" shall include Contributions in-kind made for any of the purposes stated in this Paragraph, having an attributable monetary value in excess of twenty-five dollars. Contributions in-kind shall include without limitation: the donation by any person, other than a candidate or a political committee, of the services of paid employees, the value of which services exceeds twenty-five dollars, such value to be the amount paid for such services; the donation of, or the donation of the right to use, any item of tangible property when the same is used or consumed and not exchanged or converted to cash or the equivalent of cash and when the accepting candidate, the chairman of the accepting political committee, or accepting person required to file reports under this Chapter and the campaign treasurer of such recipient, if any, determines that its value or the use value, when only the right of use is given, exceeds twenty-five dollars and such determination shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the valuation of the item or of the use value when applicable.

Adopt proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2022-722 - AO
2022-722 - Advisory Opinion Draft - Geymann (2)