Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-083
Request that the Board waive the $280, $320 and $320 campaign finance late fees assessed against John L. Barthelemy, Jr., an unsuccessful candidate for Member of School Board, District 1, Plaquemines Parish in the November 8, 2022 election, whose 30-P, 10-P and 10-G campaign finance disclosure reports were filed 7, 8 & 8 days late, respectively.
John L. Barthelemy, Jr requests a waiver and states the following:

He ask that the fines be waived in light of his financial circumstances and the physical and emotional strain from his daughter's illness. In March of 2022, she suffered a stroke and was bed-bound until June. She is now using a wheelchair and continues making strides, but is still very much dependent upon him for medical expenses and arrangements to and from therapy, doctors, and ER visits. He and his family are hard workers, but this expense would be an undue hardship. He understands that he was wrong for filing untimely, but he is truly apologetic and hopes it is clear this was unintentional.

ELECTION: November 8, 2022
TYPES OF REPORT: 30-P, 10-P & 10-G
DAYS LATE: 7, 8 & 8
ASSESSED FEE: $280, $320 and $320
REPORTS DUE: October 11, 2022, October 31, 2022, and November 30, 2022;
REPORTS FILED: October 18, 2022, November 8, 2022, December 8, 2022;
ACTIVITY REPORT: 30-P: $236.69 in Receipts; $518.19 in Expenditures; $852.85
Funds at Close of Reporting Period.

10-P: $-0 in Receipts; $-0 in Expenditures and $882-85 Funds at Close of Reporting Period

10-G: $-0 in Receipts; $405.40 in Expenditures and $447.45 Funds at Close of Reporting Period


10/2/2010 Election: EDE-P (8 days late) - $320

SPEC (5 days late) - $200

18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed.

18:1495.4D(1) If the final report of a candidate for an election, as required by Paragraph (5), (6), or (7)of Subsection B of this Section, shows a deficit or a surplus, the candidate and his treasurer, if any, shall file supplemental reports with the supervisory committee of all information required in R.S. 18:1495.5. Such reports shall be filed annually no later than February fifteenth and shall be complete through the preceding December thirty-first. Such a supplemental report shall be filed each year until a report has been filed which shows no deficit and until any surplus campaign funds have been disposed of in accordance with R.S. 18:1505.2(I). The report on surplus funds shall disclose the disbursement of such funds in the same manner as expenditures are reported.

For each report, suspend all but $100 ($300 total), based on future compliance.
Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2023-083 - CF waiver Request 30-P
2023-083 - CF Waiver request 10-P
2023-083 - CF Waiver request 10-G